The waves are small, so I thought I'd write more. Mark leaves today and is coming to our hotel later with all his photos, so that will definitely be the highlight of the day and I'll have a few up as soon as I can. The good ones will probably go to Rhythm though. The past few days we've been waking up at 5 am, its been nearly impossible to get Luke out of bed, but it has always been worth it as it gets windy here by 9 or 10 every morning. Our morning routine has consisted of cereal and yogurt, lots of coffee for me, throwing the boards in the car, and driving about 30 minutes in the dark on a dirt road. I tend to drive a little more conservatively while Luke enjoys pretending he's in a rally car race and I'm his copilot. Being the copilot usually involves me saying things like "Really?? how did you not see that rock!?" and "Wow, you're on the complete wrong side of the road guy.."
When we finally reach our destination, we are greeted with glassy seas and head high rippable rights. We've been scoring a super fun head high mini right point off a rock boil to ourselves every morning. Luke managed to snap both of his brand new supers, which he said were the best boards he's every had, and it looked that way in his surfing.
We surfed everyday all day when there was swell, but the swell died and last night we decided it was time to go out. Luckily for us Mark had met some guys from Sanuk and they had invited him to a house party. Luke said he knew the owner, Jeff Kelly, super well so we knew we were in for a good night. When we showed up at the house with our little crew consisting of Mark, his girlfriend Megan, Morgan, Jenny, myself, and Luke, we were greeted by a bunch of super psyched old guys. The house was absolutely insane. One of the nicest houses I've ever been in in the middle of the mexican desert. We proceeded to drink beers and listen to old guys tell amazing stories. Jeff Kelly, the owner of Sanuk turned out to be one of the funniest coolest guy ever and had some epic stories. They offered us tequila that was and probably will be the best tequila I will ever drink and things got a little weird. Wingnut thought he was the funniest guy in the world with all his cute little comebacks, but me and Luke just looked at each other and wondered why he was such a boof rat.
All in all it's been an amazing trip and I can't wait to go to Mazatlan tomorrow, heard there's another swell on the way.