Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On The Record, Off The Map

This is a short video in a series by Alex Miller profiling local surfers. If you want to see more friend "ontherecord offthemap" on Facebook and hope that he accepts you. He's pretty picky...Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tour TV: Socal Weekend

Alex Miller Presents...Tour TV!!!

Consisting of pumping waves and normal times!


That was Normal

Man, sure wish I could've gone to El Salvador for the contest...waves looked soooo good. Thought my elbow was gonna be ready but it wasn't and I didn't want to push it and miss out on Europe...Bummer.

Speaking of bummers, this past weekend was anything but that. Monterey Natives Alex Miller and Pat Wallace made the trek down to be greeted with pulsing south swell lowers for two days and plenty of female activity in the evenings.

The edit above demonstrates what we partook in this weekend, and even though I was on filming duties, I still managed to have one of the best weekends of my life! Obviously we couldn't show everything, but if you wanna see more super normal footage come on over...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lowers Holiday With Jonny and Cole

Since I can't surf for another couple weeks, I am keeping myself occupied filming friends and mindsurfing unridden waves... Here Jonny and Cole get some fun uncrowded waves at lowers in trunks. F%$&